"Divine Daughters has helped me find my identity."

Divine Daughters has helped me find my identity.  I also gained courage to be direct and understand answers and solutions were through God's confirmations.  Divine Daughters helped me realize I have to work through his purpose, his steps, and his decisions to reach my goal in life.

- Mia

"Before meeting Mrs. Shernetta Bouier-Blue and joining Divine Daughters I was lost...."

Divine Daughters has honestly been a blessing in my life.  Before meeting Mrs. Shernetta Bouier-Blue and joining Divine Daughters I was lost and hurting because I thought I was alone in my pain.  Nevertheless I am still broken; but with my supportive sisters and mentors and I am on my new path.

- Bisi

“I am so grateful for Mrs. B and Divine Daughters and everything she has poured into me. She never judges us for anything we do and let’s us know that through her, we always have someone we can depend on.”

Divine Daughters has truly changed my life beyond measure and it has definitely been for the better. Through numerous Account of accountability and loving correction I have Learned how to become a better sister, a better friend, a better daughter and an over a better person in general. Mrs. B has been truly nothing short of a blessing and every day I thank God for her and her wisdom. She took me when I didn’t know that I was broken and fixed me in areas that I didn’t know that could be fixed. She took a broken little girl and is molding her into an adult. Coming from a two-parent household and going to college straight from high school I believe that my life was perfect however through the mentorship and guidance for Miss B I was able to learn that nothing about my life is perfect and I had a lot of work to do but I knew with her guiding me and holding my hand that although the road may be tough I didn’t have to do it alone. Mrs. B has been the top contributor to ensuring that I go from my teenage years to womanhood and that I know everything about what it takes to be a woman. Through Divine Daughters I learned how to be the best version of myself and that’s something that I wish everybody got to experience. I found my inner potential, my inner strengths, and I found me. I pray that everyone finds a mentor because my mentor Mrs. B saved my life and changed my life for the greater good. Mrs. B is always there for myself as well as my sister is in the organization. She has taught us the importance of order, something our generation lacks. She ensures that we do not go out the same way we came in, broken. We are all not ashamed to tell out stories and share how we have changed because of her. She is my guiding light in the darkest places and overall, my biggest blessing. I am so grateful for Mrs. B and Divine Daughters and everything she has poured into me. She never judges us for anything we do and let’s us know that through her, we always have someone we can depend on.

-Aliyah Fleeks

"Divine Daughters changed my life"

Divine Daughters changed my life.  Prior to meeting and joining Divine Daughters I thought I could go my whole life pretending I was perfect.  My upbringing led me to a lifestyle where I was spoiled, selfish, and inconsiderate of others. Divine Daughters has shown me how to be a woman of substance, good character, integrity, and loyalty.  With everything I have learned my personality and self-value has improved tremendously.

-Kristen Young

“Internally, Divine Daughters has taught me that I have mommy issues, I am selfish, and I am a people’s pleaser. I couldn’t CHANGE what I didn’t acknowledge, CURRENTLY I can stand CONFIDENTLY knowing I am a work in progress.”

Before joining Divine Daughters, I can say I never knew nor had a relationship with God, I never knew the meaning of “Sisterhood”, I never knew I was selfish, I never knew how to make up my bed on time, I never knew a lot of things.I grew up with my mother not being there for me emotionally and physically, my mother and I used to say hateful words to each other we used to fight, I came to St. Louis to escape that lifestyle. I’d remember numerous girls around me mentioning Divine Daughters, and the “Life Changing” that occurs within this organization. At the end of my freshman year, Divine Daughters held they're interest gathering during the school year. I really wanted to attend, but God knew that if I joined at that time, I was going to be inconsistent. I was round with the wrong crowd; I was trying to get overly involved with campus life. Then, in February 2020, I was a sophomore without that group of people. I saw the interest meeting on some of the Divine Daughters member social media, I knew I had to be there. The day came on where I met Ms. B and the rest of the Divine Daughters, when I met Ms. B I started to feel warmed, I never felt that feeling ever especially with an older Black Woman, I sat down, Ms. B introduced me to herself told me her story why she came up with Divine Daughters, and then she asked me “ How would you be a fit for Divine Daughters," I thought about that question for a second because I knew Divine Daughters was a nonprofit organization that helped Black Women unleash the brokenness, but I didn't know how to explain my brokenness to Ms.B. I started to cry because I never opened up to tell anybody how I’m broken, well nobody seemed to ask. I told Ms.B “ I am a good fit for Divine Daughters because my mom tells me she hates me and I always have to fight my mom.” That is all I told Ms.B, after that I became a Member of Divine Daughters. After February 2020, I started to see who I really am and the changes that I need to make in myself. I started to become a Child of God. I started a new Journey after I joined Divine Daughters. The Divine Daughters helped me gain more faith, taught me to show more perseverance, more resilience, not to change others, reject, show loyalty, helped me create a closer relationship with God by doing bible plans 365 days of the year, and has taught me the importance of having my clothes prepared for the week. So, allow me to REINTRODUCE myself, my name is Maya Anika Bowman coming to St. Louis, MO from Chicago, IL. Externally, I am a Junior at Harris Stowe State University, majoring in Nursing, I also am a Collegiate GameChangHER member of The Divine Daughters. Internally, Divine Daughters hase taught me that I have mommy issues, I am selfish, and I am a people’s pleaser. I couldn’t CHANGE what I didn’t acknowledge, CURRENTLY I can stand CONFIDENTLY knowing I am a work in progress.

-Maya Bowman

"My spiritual health was failing..."

My spiritual health was failing and it wasn’t until I met Mrs. Shernetta Blue, she guided me through the process of healing and building a relationship with the Lord.  I thank, Mrs. Shernetta Blue for being an inspiration to me and challenging me to be my best self.

- Beth



Mrs. Shernetta, your presence keeps me focused and on the right track. You help me view things from different perspectives. I am so stuck with you! I am happy to have you in my life! I always think about how you and Fashon really care for peoples well-being and that you all act on it. I truly see that y'all live for God, I love it!

-Kita Styles


“I never thought about my internal living at all until Meeting mrs.b and she always says you can’t be externally fixed but internally broken”

Divine daughters has changed my life and made me see that my life was a fairy tale and it was time I started living in reality. For 20 years I thought I had to be perfect, I couldn’t be told about myself and any thing I did and or said was right. When I first joined divine daughters, I was a people pleaser which meant I could never give a straight forward answer my no’s were never no’s and my yes could never be yes. I struggle with people pleasing for so long that I didn’t even know it was even a thing let alone a problem. When I met Mrs. B she taught me that everyone had a story whether its big or little. She has taught me and shown me the value of friendships and sisterhood. What help me to realize that me being 20 years old the things I was doing and showing my 13-year-old sister showed lack of maturity, showed that I was not humble and that I had no control over my emotions. For the last 11 months mrs.b had changed my life I’ve learned to forgive not only my dad because at some point he was a person before he became a parent and he only knows what he was taught. But I also learned to forgive myself and there are gonna be bumps in and out of my life I am only 20 years old and in your toxic 20 you're going to fall and make bad decisions but just know by 30 you're going to be able to clean them up and as you age things will come together. I realized that because I lived in a fairytale and was spoiled and Not prepared for the real world I only saw my external way of living but I never thought about my internal living at all until mrs.b and like she always says you can’t be externally fixed but internally broken and that’s what I was. Being in divine daughters has truly been a blessing that God vision for me. Without his guidance I wouldn’t have met mrs.b I would have never gained a amazing wonderful mentor and sisters who instill love, courage, faith, and wisdom for in me every day. Because of mrs.b I came into divine daughters externally fixed and internally broken but because of her as I grow every day I will no longer be broken. I will be a good woman, a woman of her word who is loyal who is respected rather than choosing to be like. Who will be a god-fearing woman! Because of mrs.b I will be humble and resilient I will be a real model not a role model to my younger sister. And will be a woman who of substance. There is so many ways to let Mrs. b know how grateful I am for her but the first way is to say thank you. I am grateful for your story and for your healing because without that you would not have been able to show and let me know that I have a story and that it was time to heal my brokenness instead of adding more to it.

-Sydnye White

“Mrs. B and my Divine Sisters have truly been a Big Support to me as a Transition through this Journey of Adulthood away from home.”

Being in Divine Daughters has taught me the importance of truly being your sisters keeper and to be able to rely on one another when in need of help. Mrs. B teaches me how to be a better woman and mother to my son and how important it is to Dress how you want to be Addressed. Mrs B and my Divine Sisters have truly been a Big Support to me as a Transition through this Journey of Adulthood away from home.

-Robyn Robinson